Last Name


    Film Type (please check all that apply)
    Short film under 25 minutesShort film under 10 minutesCanadian Short - open to filmmakers across the countryYouth Short - created by filmmakers in secondary school or youngerLocal Short - created by filmmakers living in Kingston or with strong ties to the area

    Film Title

    Director name

    Running Time


    Place of Production

    Filmmaker bio (optional)

    Other key cast, crew, creative

    KCFF prefers films that have not had a wide release and will be making some sort of debut or premiere. We strongly encourage you to keep your online screener password protected.

    URL for online screener



    Brief Synopsis

    KCFF accepts only Canadian films -- are you a Canadian filmmaker? YesNo

    If not, do you currently live and work in Canada? Does your film have any other connection to Canada?

    Are you currently residing/based in Kingston?

    If not, do you have a connection to the Kingston area (raised here, family in area, Queen’s grad, etc)?

    If yes, please explain.

    Will your film be making its premiere at KCFF?

    Kingston premiere YesNo
    Ontario premiere YesNo
    Canadian premiere YesNo
    World premiere YesNo

    Will your film be available to audiences before KCFF 2024?

    Internet (youtube, vimeo, netflix) YesMaybeNo
    TV YesMaybeNo

    Additional comments

    I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Kingston Canadian Film Festival regarding its submissions. The film listed above has been submitted for consideration with the knowledge and consent of the producers listed above.